Safety & Quality

NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation

Main Initiatives in Safety and Quality

Process Transition Determination

NESIC establishes clear quality and control standards, and specifies matters required to meet certain standards for each process of a project, and sets checkpoints between processes.

Our project management scheme, in which process transition determinations are made to ensure standards have been met before going on to the next process, contributes to the maintenance of high quality.

Project Inspections

We conduct internal third-party project inspections to help ensure compliance with Japan’s Industrial Safety and Health Law and Construction Industry Law, as well as our own rules, and ultimately prevent compliance violations.

Going beyond the discovery and correction of unsatisfactory conditions, project inspections also take note of excellence in processes and tools. Project inspection findings are shared throughout the company through monthly postings on our internal website, and other means as well, to help improve safety and quality activities in each of our departments.

On-Site Safety Patrols

To eliminate safety and quality problems, we conduct thorough checks of individual processes and have top company managers and the heads of business sections systematically conduct on-site safety patrols in an effort to prevent accidents.

Enhancing Safety and Quality Awareness

Various measures are being pursued to foster a common awareness of safety and quality problems and solutions, and outstanding activities, among individual employees and organizational units of the NESIC Group.

Companywide Safety Convention

Once a year, the company’s top managers and the managers of all of its business sections come together to receive the latest information on safety and quality initiatives in each of the company’s organizational units and be present for the presentation of awards to employees who have produced outstanding safety-related results.

Outstanding Safety and Quality Awards for Divisions

Every year, awards are presented to divisions and group companies with outstanding performance in areas of safety and quality and their achievements are announced throughout the group.

Safety and Quality Workshops

Outside experts are invited to lead safety and quality workshops, where they discuss best practices outside of the company or provide participants with opportunities to learn from actual examples.

Safety and Quality Awareness Survey

Surveys are regularly conducted on topics such as the degree to which important measures are understood and the extent to which information on safety and quality is being shared. Survey results are then used to shape awareness measures going forward.

Learning from Serious Accidents in the Past

As part of our efforts to eliminate safety and quality problems, we established the Safety & Quality Promotion Center in our head office building to provide opportunities to learn from serious accidents and keep the lessons alive.
The center contributes to the elimination of safety and quality accidents, and enhances our credibility with customers, by providing a venue where individual employees can learn lessons of the past and think about actions that should have been taken.

Safety & Quality Promotion Center

Safety & Quality Promotion Center Exhibits

Learning from Past Serious Accidents

To learn from past accidents that must never be forgotten and renew our determination to prevent their recurrence, the center exhibits accident artifacts and provides descriptions of the responses mounted.

Initiatives to Eliminate Accidents

In an effort to promote awareness of personal safety and health, and encourage individuals to think about their daily activities and notice areas where improvements are required, the center provides hands-on learning content that employees may freely access. Slideand animation-based accounts of accidents, and examples of close calls, are also available.


To promote personal action that precludes accidents, employees are encouraged to make a personal safety and quality pledge and post it on a designated wall in the center. This activity itself enhances personal safety and quality awareness.