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Human Rights
NEC Networks & System Integration CorporationThe NESIC Group declares in its Charter of Corporate Behavior that it will “respect human rights in all aspects of its corporate activities, and never allow any discriminatory treatment, child labor, or forced labor,” and also states in its Code of Conduct, “We respect the fundamental human rights of all people in all aspects of our corporate activities. We will never engage in any discrimination based on race, belief, gender, age, social status, family origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or disability, or any act that may undermine the dignity of any individual.”
Human Rights Policy
The NESIC Group supports International Codes of Conduct such as the UN International Bill of Human Rights*1 and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as well as the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact*2. We also promote human rights initiatives with reference to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the European Commission ICT Sector Guides on Implementing the UNGP, as well as the NEC Group Human Rights Policy established in 2015.
- ※1.Collectively refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly.
- ※2.The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact stand on universal consensus and are derived from international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. They cover topics such as support and respect for the protection of human rights, elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, and the abolition of child labor.
Organizational Structure
NESIC has established a Human Rights Promotion Committee which is chaired by the officer in charge of Personnel Relations , putting in place a structure for the deliberation and establishment of initiatives for educating employees about human rights and promoting in-house human rights education.
Initiatives Promoting Respect for Human Rights
Activities to Educate Employees
Once a year, NESIC delivers online human rights education to all employees.
During the period designated as Human Rights Week by the Government of Japan, we conduct various educational activities, encouraging all employees to think about human rights.
Through these activities, we raise the human rights awareness of individual employees, create a positive workplace without bias or discrimination, and also seek to embed human rights in business practices.
Sexual Harassment and Power Harassment Hotline
The NESIC Group has established the hotlines on issues such as sexual harassment, power harassment and other types of harassment , discrimination and human relations.
All inquiries received are dealt with properly in compliance with the wishes of the contacted individuals. We operate the hotlines effectively under the Whistle-Blower Protection Act.
Human Rights Due Diligence
NESIC introduced the following initiatives as part of human rights due diligence. We have developed mechanisms for assessing human rights risk on a Group-wide basis.
- Requirements and Inspections for Suppliers Concerning Respect for Human Rights
We promote respect for human rights not only within the NESIC Group but throughout the entire supply chain.
We established the Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct in Supply Chains that require suppliers to implement initiatives in general, including requiring suppliers to actively focus on various activities relating to respect for human rights. We also conduct inspections based on the guidelines.
We also have written requirements and health and safety checks for overseas suppliers to properly ensure the health and safety of workers engaged in installation work, etc. - Human Rights Risk Assessments for Overseas Subsidiaries
We conduct an extensive assessment of the risk of human rights violations associated with corporate activities at overseas subsidiaries.
We identify human rights issues considered to be important in the information & communication industry, conduct risk assessments in light of the circumstances and cultures of the countries in which individual overseas subsidiaries are located, and take necessary measures against these risks.