
NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation

Environmental Management

Environmental Policy

  The NESIC Group contributes to the realization of “An inclusive and sustainable society created through communications”
by working to reduce the environmental impact and the impact of climate change through all of its business activities.

1. In providing ICT solutions and services, we recognize that each stage of the life cycle has environmental impact, and
will endeavor to reduce environmental impact by conserving resources, saving energy, and preventing environmental
pollution from waste.

2. We will comply with laws, regulations, and agreements related to the environment, as well as agreements with
stakeholders, and manage activities, solutions, and services with the potential to impact the environment.

3. We will disclose our environmental initiatives to a wide range of stakeholders.

4. We will contribute to protect the environment by raising awareness of the environment among all employees and
taking steps to mitigate climate change and preserve biodiversity.

5. We will strive to continuously improve our environmental management system and enhance our environmental
performance by setting targets and implementing activities to reduce our environmental impact.

Established: March 1, 1996
Revised: June 5, 2020

Yushi Ushijima
NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation

Environmental Management System

ISO14001 Certification Status

  NESIC obtained ISO14001 environmental management system certification in December 1999. NESIC underwent reviews for the renewal and expansion of its certification, and obtained certification as the NESIC Group in December 2014. Environmental initiatives are being enhanced on a Group-wide scale.

ISO14001:2015 (Environmental Management System)

Registration Certification No.
December 16, 2026
First Registration Date
December 17, 1999
Registration Renewal Date
December 17, 2023
Review Organization
Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)

ISO14001:2015 (English)

ISO14001:2015 (English)

ISO14001:2015 (Japanese)

ISO14001:2015 (Japanese)

Environmental Management System Operating Structure

  NESIC regards environmental management as one of its most important management issues and has strengthened mechanisms and systems designed to promote environmental management. Specifically, the Central Environmental Management Committee (chaired by the executive in charge of environmental affairs) deliberates over and decides on company-wide environmental strategies and policies, and follows up on priority issues. As a subordinate organization, an Environmental Promoter Meeting is convened monthly by the general manager of the CSR Promotion & Corporate Communications Division (Environmental Management System Supervisor) to promote environmental management activities.
  As a subordinate organization, an Environmental Promoter Meeting, chaired by the general manager of the Carbon Neutrality Promotion Division (Environmental Management System Representative), is convened regularly to carry out environmental management activities.